发布时间: 2020-08-31
745 次浏览
近日,据美国在线招聘巨头Monster的数据显示,即使在疫情危机中,大部分员工仍然对寻找新工作充满兴趣。 Monster的民意调查发现,在2,607名受访者中有60%失业。尽管受到新冠疫情的影响,但在剩余的受访者中,仍有85%在考虑寻找新工作。 调查发现,47%的受访者认为寻找新工作的欲望似乎来自于对他们的工作时间表具有灵活性的兴趣。另外44%的受访者则认为他们寻找新工作的原因对加薪的渴望。 调查还发现,有23%被雇用的员工正在工作的同时从事着其他工作内容,这主要是因为公司人员的减少。 此外,Monster在报告中还发现:在失业员工中,有85%的受访者愿意考虑在当前行业之外寻求工作。 EMPLOYED PEOPLE STILL LOOKING FOR NEW JOBS DESPITE COVID-19 CRISIS; PAY INCREASE, FLEXIBILITY AMONG REASONS (Aug.18, 2020, /staffingindustry.com/)Even amid the Covid-19 crisis, workers remain interested in searching for new jobs, according to data from job board Monster. Monster’s poll found that 60% of the 2,607 respondents were out of work. But of the remaining respondents who were employed, 85% are still considering searching for a new job despite Covid-19. The desire to search appears to come from interest in having flexibility in their work schedules - the survey found 47% of those currently employed cited this as a reason - and the desire for a pay increase, cited by 44%. It also found that 23% are employed and are taking on additional work primarily because of staffing decreases at their companies. Another finding by Monster: Among unemployed workers, 85% are willing to consider a job outside of their current industry.