发布时间: 2020-08-07
1109 次浏览
近日,ADP发布了2020年7月《全美就业报告》,报告显示,2020年7月,美国私人部门的就业人数比前一个月增长了16.7万,增长低于5月和6月。 ADP的报告显示,6月和5月,美国分别增加了430万个和330万个工作岗位。而此前的4月则下降了1,940万工作岗位。 ADP研究院副总裁兼联合负责人Ahu Yildirmaz表示:“劳动力市场的复苏迹象在7月份有所放缓。我们已经看到放缓迹象对所有规模和行业的业务产生了影响。” 报告显示,美国7月份中型企业的就业岗位减少了2.5万个。但是,大型企业增加了12.9万个工作岗位,小型企业增加了6.3万个工作岗位。 以下是ADP研究院对7月份美国各行业工作岗位数量的增/减估算: 商品生产:增长1,000 自然资源/采矿业:下降1,000 建筑业:增长8,000 制造业:增长1,000 服务业:增长166,000 贸易/运输/公用事业:增长41,000 信息:下降3,000 金融活动:增长18,000 专业/商业服务业:增长58,000 a 专业/技术服务:最多8,000 b 公司/企业管理:下降1,000 c 行政/支持服务:增长49,000 教育/保健服务:增长46,000 a 医疗保健/社会援助:增长40,000 b 教育:增长7,000 休闲/招待:增长38,000 其他服务:增长3,000 US JOB GROWTH SLOWS IN JULY, EMPLOYMENT RISES BY JUST 167,000 (Aug.6, 2020, / US added 167,000 private sector jobs in July compared to the previous month, but the growth was below the employment increases seen in May and June, according to the ADP National Employment Report. ADP’s report had logged increases of 4.3 million jobs month-over-month in June and 3.3 million in May. Those months followed a decline of 19.4 million in April. “The labor market recovery slowed in the month of July,” said Ahu Yildirmaz, VP and co-head of the ADP Research Institute. “We have seen the slowdown impact business across all sizes and sectors.” Employment at medium-sized businesses fell by 25,000. However, large businesses added 129,000 jobs and small businesses added 63,000 jobs. Here’s a breakdown of jobs added, and lost, by industry: Goods-producing, up 1,000 Natural resources/mining, down 1,000 Construction, down 8,000 Manufacturing, up 1,000 Services-providing, up 166,000 Trade/transportation/utilities, up 41,000 Information, down 3,000 Financial activities, down 18,000 Professional/business services, up 58,000 a Professional/technical services, up 8,000 b Management of companies/enterprises, up 1,000 c Administrative/support services, up 49,000 Education/health services, up 46,000 a Healthcare/social assistance, up 40,000 b Education, up 7,000 Leisure/hospitality, up 38,000 Other services, up 3,000