发布时间: 2020-08-12
2124 次浏览
近日,根据英国人事与发展学会(CIPD)和德科集团共同发布的最新《劳动力市场展望》显示,英国三分之一的企业预计将在2020年第三季度裁员,原因是就业前景仍然疲弱。 该报告显示,与春季报告相比,可能会裁员的组织数量增加了50%,从三个月前的22%上升到最新报告中的33%。与公共部门(16%)相比,有38%私营部门雇主预计会裁员。 CIPD和德科集团的报告对英国2,000多名雇主进行了调查,发现总体招聘意向有所增加,其中49%的雇主希望在未来三个月内招募新员工,而上一季度这一比例为40%。但是,这种信心仍远低于前几年的水平。 报告还发现,在私营部门、公共部门和志愿部门这三个经济部门中,所有的就业信心都下降了。该报告的净就业余额衡量了预计增加员工数量的雇主比例和那些预计会减少员工数量的雇主比例之间的差异,在过去三个月中,该比例从–4降至–8。这是自采用当前方法进行调查以来的最低数值(2013年2月)。 同时,报告还发现,所有行业的雇主都打算在未来12个月内严格控制加薪。那些计划进行薪酬审查的雇主预计基本工资将增长1%,低于去年同期预期的中位数增长2%。私营部门的基本工资中位数预期从三个月前的0%提高到0.8%。尽管该报告认为私营部门的基本工资中位数预期会适度上升,但总体上却受到较大比例的雇主的阻碍,他们(40%)预测到未来2021年6月的12个月内将计划实行工资冻结的决定。 根据该报告,就净就业余额而言,各行业之间存在很大差异。医疗保健行业( 30)和公共行政部门( 13)就业信心最高,接待业(-26)、运输和仓储(-24)以及零售业(-23)的就业信心最低。就国家和地区而言,威尔士( 12)和英格兰东北部( 5)的信心最高,在西米德兰兹(-23)和苏格兰(-17)的信心最低。 与春季季度相比,英国制造业(增长22%)以及行政和支持服务(增长18%)的招聘信心增长最为明显。 为应对新冠疫情的影响,雇主正在探索各种选择来避免或减少裁员:42%的雇主已实施招聘暂停策略。私营部门采用招聘暂停的组织比例(47%)明显高于公共部门(22%);尤其是酒店(65%)、商务服务(54%)和IT(52%)。 同时,许多雇主正在行使与2008/09年度前一次经济衰退类似的工资灵活性策略。其中,削减工资(18%),削减奖金(26%)和暂停或延迟加薪(33%)都是雇主应对当前疫情所采取的策略。减薪在建筑业(44%)、商业服务业(30%)和酒店行业(29%)更为普遍。 UK – ONE IN THREE UK FIRMS EXPECT TO CUT JOBS BY AUTUMN, REPORT FINDS (Aug.11, 2020, /staffingindustry.com/)One in three organisations in the UK expect to cut jobs in the third quarter of 2020 as job prospects remain weak according to the latest Labour Market Outlook from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and the Adecco Group. The report shows a 50% increase in the number of organisations expecting to cut jobs compared to the spring report, rising from 22% three months ago to 33% in this latest report. Twice as many private sector employers (38%) expect to make redundancies compared to the public sector (16%). CIPD and Adecco Group’s report, which surveyed more than 2,000 employers, found that overall hiring intentions have increased, with 49% of employers expecting to take on new recruits in the next three months, compared to 40% last quarter. However, this confidence remains well below levels seen in previous years. It also found that employment confidence has fallen in all three sectors of the economy: private, public and voluntary. The report’s net employment balance, which measures the difference between the proportion of employers who expect to increase staff levels and those who expect to decrease staff levels, has fallen from –4 to –8 over the last three months. This is the lowest figure since the survey was conducted using its current methods (February 2013). Meanwhile, the report also found that employers across all sectors intend to keep a tight rein on pay increases over the next 12 months. Those who plan pay reviews expect basic pay to increase by 1%, this is lower than the 2% median increase expected this time last year. Median basic pay expectations in the private sector have increased to 0.8% from 0% three months ago. While the report sees a modest rise in median basic pay expectations in the private sector, overall improvement is hindered by a relatively large proportion of employers able to predict the outcome of a pay decision over the next 12 months that plan to introduce wage freezes in the 12 months to June 2021 (40%).