发布时间: 2020-09-01
850 次浏览
近日,据任仕达就业安置服务公司RiseSmart的调查研究显示,在因新冠疫情而选择无薪休假或裁员的雇主中,有47%的雇主正在考虑在未来12个月内进一步裁员。 调查还发现,由于新冠疫情的影响,有9.3%的雇主进行了裁员,而有11.3%的雇主则为员工放了无薪假期。此外,自从新冠疫情被多国宣布为国家紧急状态以来,有47.2%的雇主没有实施新的招聘计划。 从年初开始,这是一个很大的变化。在新冠疫情之前,大多数雇主(86%)不打算进行裁员。 任仕达RiseSmart总裁兼总经理Dan Davenport表示:“虽然失业率开始下降是一个积极的迹象,但我们仍处于新冠疫情的影响之中。根据我们的调查结果,可能还会有更多企业因与新冠疫情而进行裁员。” FURTHER REDUCTIONS AHEAD FROM HALF OF COMPANIES THAT LAID OFF OR FURLOUGHED STAFF (Aug.31, 2020, /staffingindustry.com/)Among employers that made furloughs or layoffs because of the pandemic, 47% are considering further workforce reductions in the next 12 months, according to a survey of 250 HR professionals by Randstad RiseSmart, a provider of outplacement services. It also found that 9.3% of employers have laid off workers because of Covid-19 and 11.3% have furloughed workers. In addition, 47.2% have not made any new hires since the pandemic was declared a national emergency. This is all a big change from the start of the year. Prior to Covid-19, a majority of employers, 86%, were not planning to conduct separations. “While it is a positive sign that the unemployment rate is starting to decrease, we are still in the midst of this pandemic, and based on our survey results, more coronavirus-related layoffs could be on the horizon,” said Dan Davenport, president and general manager of Randstad RiseSmart.