发布时间: 2020-09-15
1529 次浏览
近日,英国招聘就业联合会(REC)与毕马威联合发布的英国8月《就业报告》调查显示,2020年8月份,英国长期性就业人数略有增长,而临时性就业人数则实现了连续20个月的最快增速。 报告显示,在新冠疫情爆发后,更多的企业重新复工,八月份的招聘活动再度增加。 英国区域数据突显了不同的趋势,英格兰南部和中部地区对于长期性员工的需求有所增加,而英格兰北部和伦敦的长期性员工招聘有所下降。 除伦敦外,所有受监管的英国地区在8月均有较多的临时用工招聘。其中增幅最大的地区是英格兰南部。 REC首席执行官Neil Carberry表示:“长期性人才服务和临时性人才服务恢复增长是好消息,尽管这也是预料中的,因为我们正在将这样的活动与封锁状态期间进行比较。临时用工对于任何企业恢复都至关重要,企业会选择临时用工来帮助他们提高生产能力并满足需求,而未来则充满不确定性。同时,它也使人们能够快速找到工作。” Carberry补充说:“过去的经济衰退表明,临时用工的灵活性更强,这是我们就业市场的最大优势之一,而且现在确实已经显现出来了。长期性员工的招聘增长缓慢令人担忧。它反映了企业对于未来几个月随着疫情和英国脱欧将发生的事情所面临的不确定性。 同时,英国八月份员工的总体可用性继续以历史最高的速度增长。增长率是有记录以来第二高的增长率(在2008年12月之后)。招聘人员经常提到,公司的裁员增加了候选人的数量,长期和临时用工的供应都显着增加。 招聘人员还表示,增加的候选人和企业对员工需求的低迷将继续影响着8月份的起薪。但是,与前四个月相比,起薪和临时工资的下降幅度都较小。 英国整体职位空缺在8月份连续第六个月下降,自7月份以来下降速度有所加快。数据发现,企业对长期职员的需求急剧恶化,而对短期员工的需求则稳定下来。 UK – HIRING ACTIVITY SHOWS UPTICK IN AUGUST, LED BY STEEP RISE IN TEMP BILLINGS (Sept.14, 2020, /staffingindustry.com/)Permanent placements rose slightly in August while temp billings expanded at the quickest rate for 20 months, according to the latest Report on Jobs survey from the Recruitment and Employment Confederation and KPMG. The report signalled a renewed upturn in hiring activity in August as more parts of the economy reopened following the Covid-19 outbreak. Regional data highlighted divergent trends, with permanent staff appointments rising in the South of England and the Midlands, but declining in the North of England and London. All monitored English regions except for London recorded higher temp billings in August. The steepest increase was seen in the South of England. Neil Carberry, Chief Executive of the REC, said, “A return to growth on permanent placements and temporary billings is good news, though it is also expected, given we are comparing activity now with the lockdown. Temporary work is critical in any recovery - businesses turn to temps to help them ramp up and meet demand while the future looks uncertain. At the same time, it enables people to find work quickly.” “Past recessions show that temporary work bounces back more quickly – it is one of our jobs market’s biggest strengths and that’s really showing now,” Carberry added. “Slower growth in permanent staff appointments is concerning. It reflects the uncertainty businesses face about what will happen over coming months with the pandemic and Brexit.” Meanwhile, the overall availability of workers continued to expand at a historically sharp rate in August. The rate of growth was the second-sharpest on record (after December 2008). Recruiters frequently mentioned that company lay-offs had raised candidate numbers, with both permanent and temporary worker supply rising markedly. Recruiters also indicated that increased worker availability and muted demand for staff continued to weigh on starting pay in August. However, both starting salaries and temporary wages declined at weaker rates compared with those seen in the previous four months.