Staffing Industry Analysts:2019年零工经济人力云平台营收增长42%
发布时间: 2020-09-14
1792 次浏览
根据Staffing Industry Analysts的研究经理Brian Wallins发布的调查报告显示,2019年,零工经济人力云平台(由SIA定义为在线人才服务公司、众包公司和在线办公服务)的营收增长了42%,达到1,785亿美元。
近日,根据Staffing Industry Analysts的研究经理Brian Wallins发布的调查报告显示,2019年,零工经济人力云平台(由SIA定义为在线人才服务公司、众包公司和在线办公服务)的营收增长了42%,达到1,785亿美元。 报告显示,大部分营收来自B2C商业模式中的人力云公司,例如Uber Technologies Inc.(NYSE:UBER)、Lyft Inc.(NASDAQ:LYFT)、Postmates和Instacart。它们在2019年的营收为1,691亿美元。企业对人力云平台(如Upwork Inc.)产生的营收在2019年总计为94亿美元。 Wallins表示:“人力云领域的B2C业务受到全球疫情蔓延的严重影响,并且很可能在2020年收缩,而B2B业务则继续健康增长。” Wallins表示:“新冠疫情还在B2B人才平台推向企业的过程中起到了促进作用,因为:1)数字化转型已跃升为优先首要事项;2)远程工作的开放性发生了巨大变革;3)在经济充满不确定性的环境中,灵活的员工队伍所带来的好处变得越来越明显。” SIA认为,人力云公司是零工经济的一部分。根据SIA的定义,零工经济还包括机构临时用工、独立合同工、工作陈述顾问和其他临时用工。 此外,人力云进一步细分为在线办公服务、在线人才服务和众包。 在在线办公服务中,平台使独立工可以提供专门的产品或服务;例如Uber,Lyft,Business Talent Group和Handy。在线人才服务包括为管理人员和员工之间存在直接法律关系的人员提供服务的公司;例如Upwork,Toptal和The Mom Project。众包由安排小微型工作任务和基于竞赛/竞标工作的公司组成;例如Mechanical Turk和Gigwalk。 GIG ECONOMY HUMAN CLOUD PLATFORM REVENUE RISES BY 42% (Sept.10, 2020, / economy human cloud platforms - defined by SIA as online staffing firms, crowdsourcing firms and online work services - saw their revenue rise by 42% in 2019 to $178.5 billion. This is according to research just out by Brian Wallins, research manager at SIA. Much of the revenue came from human cloud firms that operated in the business-to-consumer space such as Uber Technologies Inc. (NYSE: UBER), Lyft Inc. (NASDAQ: LYFT), Postmates and Instacart. They had revenue of $169.1 billion in 2019. Revenue generated by business-to-business human cloud platforms, such as Upwork Inc. (NASDAQ: UPWK), totaled $9.4 billion in 2019. “Where the B2C side of the human cloud landscape has been significantly impacted by the global pandemic and will very likely contract in 2020, the B2B side continues to expand at a healthy rate,” Wallins said. “The pandemic is also serving as an accelerant in the B2B talent platform push to the enterprise as 1) digital transformation has surged to the top of priority lists; 2) there has been a monumental shift in openness to remote work; and 3) the benefits of an agile, flexible workforce has become increasingly apparent in an environment of profound economic uncertainty,” Wallins continued. SIA considers human cloud firms part of the “gig economy.” According to SIA’s definition, the gig economy also includes temporary agency workers, independent contractors, statement-of-work consultants and other temporary workers. Human cloud is further subdivided into online work services, online staffing and crowdsourcing. In online work services, a platform enables independent workers to provide specialized products or services; examples include Uber, Lyft, Business Talent Group and Handy. Online staffing includes firms that provide personnel where there is a direct legal relationship between managers and workers; examples include Upwork, Toptal and The Mom Project. Crowdsourcing comprises firms that arrange micro tasks and contest/bid-based work; examples include Mechanical Turk and Gigwalk.